Pros and Cons of Tapering Off Alcohol Intake

Pros and Cons of Tapering Off Alcohol Intake

Find the best approach for you in cooperation with your healthcare provider.


If you drink regularly, heavily, or binge frequently, you’ll probably experience withdrawal symptoms when you stop. Unfortunately, there is little to no evidence that gradually cutting down on alcohol lessens its negative effects, some of which can be severe or even fatal. Whether you stop gradually or abruptly may not be as important as quitting under proper medical supervision.

Tapering Off Alcohol vs. Going Cold Turkey

Many additional medicines are often tapered off as part of routine medical procedure. For instance, medical professionals typically taper off patients’ antidepressants gradually rather than abruptly.

It goes without saying that tapering off gradually from a 12-beer-per-day habit will be less stressful than quitting cold turkey. However, this does not imply that home detox is efficient, suitable, or secure Pros and Cons of Tapering Off Alcohol Intake.


“In general, alcohol home detox is neither the most efficient nor the safest way to stop drinking. However, it is affordable and might be appropriate for someone whose wellbeing, relationships, or career are not in danger.”

Strategies for Tapering Off Alcohol

For advice on slowing off, consider these:

  • Reduce the number of beverages: you typically consume gradually. For instance, if you regularly consume five glasses of wine each day, try reducing that number to four for a few days. then attempt to limit it to three.
  • Drinks should be spaced out: For instance, set a limit of one drink per hour or alternate between alcoholic beverages with glasses of water, juice, or Gatorade.
  • Drink more water: Make progressively less alcoholic drinks.
  • Try switching to a different alcoholic beverage: For instance, go from beer to wine if you prefer the latter. Simply put, you’re less likely to consume a large amount of a beverage you don’t enjoy.


“If you intend to gradually reduce your alcohol use in order to stop, be sure to do so regularly, prevent swings, and follow a weekly reduction strategy with a specific end date. There is no end to the process of tapering.”

Challenges of Tapering Off Alcohol

Some drinkers find that reducing their intake of alcohol does not, in fact, work. They may temporarily reduce their drinking, but they soon resume their regular drinking habits. This is especially true for heavy drinkers who lack the support necessary to encourage change while being surrounded by triggers that encourage drinking.

People who discover that they are unable to reduce their alcohol consumption for any appreciable period of time have likely either developed a severe alcohol use disorder or have turned into what is known as an alcoholic. Others may experience alcohol withdrawal symptoms simply by reducing their drinking.

Furthermore, switching from one type of beverage to another won’t assist you wean off alcohol if you continue to consume the same number of typical drinks as you do every day.

For instance, a 12-ounce can of beer has the same amount of alcohol in it as a 5-ounce glass of wine or a 1.5-ounce mixed drink.

In light of these considerations, you must weigh the benefits and drawbacks of tapering your alcohol consumption—ideally

with a trusted friend or relative—in order to make an informed choice.

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